September 19, 2015
Event start: | 18:30 |
Organizer: | Institute for Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany |
Location: | Hilton Berlin Gendarmenmarkt |
Programme: | |
Presentation: | |
Contact person: | Inna Levkovych |
On 29 September 2015 the Parliamentary Evening “Competitiveness: EU research project COMPETE“ took place in Berlin, Germany. The event was hosted by the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE), a partner within the COMPETE consortium.
More than 60 participants from German politics and representatives of producers and processors organizations attended the event. After the main findings of the COMPETE project were presented by Prof. Dr. Thomas Glauben, Director of the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), the participants discussed and debated the results of three years of research during the rest of the evening. Dr. Wolfgang Ingold, Chairman of BVE, explained the view of the German food industry on their competitiveness. Among others he amplified that one third of the market offers in Germany are new products confirming the sector’s innovativeness. Nevertheless new innovations have to be supported to claim world market shares or rather win these back. Moreover, the role of EU and German politic was emphasized in order to create basic conditions and incentives which support research and development and facilitate access to important export and import markets as well as enable competition.
September 22, 2015
Event start: | 10:00 |
Organizer: | Institute for Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany |
Location: | Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the EU |
Programme: | |
Presentations: |
Contact person: | Inna Levkovych |
The finale COMPETE workshop gives leading representatives from industry, science and practice the opportunity to meet and discuss the key findings of the project as well as formulated policy recommendations for a sustainable development of competitiveness of EU agri-food supply chains.
The event takes place under the patronage of the Ministry for Science and Economy of Saxony-Anhalt.
Registration was possible until 15 September 2015.
May 29-30, 2015
Event start: | see Programme |
Organizer: | University Primorska, Faculty of Management |
Location: | MIC Conference, |
Programme: | |
Presentations: | |
Contact person: | Stefan Bojnec, e-mail: stefan.bojnec(at) |
In the context of this year’s MIC Conference the 6th COMPETE Project Meeting will take place on May 29-30, 2014 in Portoroz, Slovenia. The agenda includes, apart from the project internal meeting, a panel session and a roundtable with invited speakers, which will take place on Saturday May 30th. The panel session will start with a presentation of project leader Heinrich Hockmann about the market power in food value chain. The subsequent roundtable chaired by Carmen Hubbard will give space to discussion of the opportunities and threats for increasing the competitiveness of agri-food supply chain. Particular attention will be paid to the milk sector. The invited speakers are Janja Kokolj Prošek, Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and Ivanka Valjavec, Slovenian Dairy Association. Prior to the COMPETE meeting Steve Quarrie will organise the training course in research skills on May 27th. For more information please see Training course programme
November 26-27, 2014
Event start: | 10:00 |
Organizer: | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Lukas Cechura, Zdenka Mala, Inna Levkovych (IAMO) |
Location: | Faculty of Economics and Management, CULS |
Programme: | |
Presentations: | |
Contact person: | Inna Levkovych, e-mail: levkovych(at) |
June 4, 2014
Event start: | 9:30 |
Organizer: | Wageningen University, The Netherlands |
Location: | Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Naples (Italy), WICANEM conference |
Programme: | |
Contact person: | Pascucci, Stefano, e-mail: stefano.pascucci(at) |
In the context of this year’s WICANEM Conference the 4th COMPETE Project Meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 in Anacapri, Italy. After the internal project meeting session in the morning interested stakeholders are heartily invited to attend the subsequent COMPETE Workshop, starting at 2:30 pm, and vividly participate in its discussions. The members of the COMPETE project team will present their findings on the determinants of competitiveness of the European agri-food supply chain. At 4:30 pm, after a short coffee break, case studies on European agri-food chains and presentations on EU food trade policy will provide further, substantial information on the work of the COMPETE project team. The roundtable “Innovation and competitiveness in the European agri-food sector: the stakeholder’s prospect” will give space to discussions, questions, and comments and will conclude the COMPETE Workshop.
COMPETE Workshop Capri Presentations
November 4-5, 2013
Event start: | 9:30 |
Organizer: | CERS-HAS; Budapest, Hungary |
Location: | Institute of Economics, Budaörsi út 45, H-1112 Budapest, Hungary |
Contact person: | Zoltán Bakucs zoltan.bakucs(at) |
Two training courses will be held to improve researcher effectiveness in doing their research, presenting it in written and oral form to scientific and non-scientific stakeholders, and getting funding for future project
Contact person: Prof. Steve A. Quarrie steve(at)
May 22-23, 2013
Event start: | 9:30 |
Organizer: | UNEW, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (United Kingdom) |
Location: | Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle, United Kingdom |
Contact person: | Matthew Gorton matthew.gorton(at) |
April 11-12 and 18-19, 2013
Event start: | 10:00 |
Organizer: | Balkan Security Network, Belgrade University |
Location: | Belgrade, Serbia |
The training course as part of the COMPETE project was held in April 2013 at the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade University. In total, 22 participants attended the course over the four days. The training course was offered from specialists of the Balkan Security Network (BSN) to any post-graduate student and staff of the COMPETE partner institutions and relevant stakeholders. During the training course, the participants were able to deepen their knowledge of good quality research, project proposal writing, communication and lobbying, and they enhanced their scientific writing, presentational and media skills for disseminating project information to stakeholders.
The next COMPETE training courses are planned at Newcastle University on Thursday, 23rd May, and at Warsaw University from 13th to 15th June. The course in June will be on good quality research, scientific writing, presentations, student supervision, writing project proposals, self-management and career development.
November 19-20, 2012
Event start: | 9:30 |
Organizer: | IAMO, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (Germany) |
Location: | IAMO, Theodor-Lieserstr. 2, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany |
Contact person: | Inna Levkovych levkovych(at) |